“In August 2019, I started working Royal Dantess through her rehabilitation programme after suffering injuries to both her Superficial Digital and Deep Digital Flexor Tendons. As a result of the injuries, she had a large amount of scar tissue on the leg and her muscle tone was poor from having stood on box rest. In addition to this, she had wear and tear on her legs from her career as an Open Showjumper.
I saw a significant difference in Tess after we started treating her with Regenesis Vet™ EGF and HA on a monthly basis as recommended by our vet. Her muscle tone started to improve dramatically, her recovery time after exercise shortened and her legs are completely clear of any scar tissue or signs of previous wear and tear.
Most importantly, Tess is 100% sound a year later and is currently in full work and thriving. A huge thank you to Regenesis Vet™ for helping this super mare in her recovery. I truly believe that without Regenesis Vet™, Tess would not be as sound and fit as she is today.”
– Daniella Dick
“Since discovering Regenesis Vet™ EGF and seeing first-hand how numerous of my horses have benefitted from it, I cannot see any future maintenance plan for my horses without it. Regenesis Vet™ EGF has honestly changed my mare’s (Cadence) life. Before I got her, she had a history of issues. Since starting and maintaining her on Regenesis Vet™ EGF once a month, she has never looked or felt this good.
In addition to her being more sound than ever, I have also seen a huge improvement in her muscle tone and the quality of her feet. The results are unbelievable.
Thank you Regenesis Vet™ for playing such a big role in making sure my horses are always on top form.”
– Siobhan Wall

“We have used Regenesis Vet™ EGF together with the Equine Tendon rehabilitation boot to aid in the recovery and rehabilitation of Knight Frank Beetle Bomb following a severe deep digital flexor tendon injury and major spinal surgery. After only a year he is fit and sound and starting to school at 130. Hopefully he will be back in the ring shortly, jumping around the open grades. His complete recovery has been remarkable and definitely aided by regular use of Regenesis Vet™ EGF.
In addition to the Beetle Bomb, I have also used Regenesis Vet™ EGF successfully on a number of my other horses. I have found it to improve muscle tone, recovery after exercise and general performance.”
– Susan Turner
“I have been using a combination of Regenesis Vet™ and Novita Biotechnology Hyaluronic Acid (HA) for the past few months on both my show jumping horses. It is an affordable, non-invasive treatment which is supported by my vet. It combines very well with my bi-yearly veterinary check-ups and maintenance structure. It fits in well with my training and competition schedule as my horses do not need time off after receiving either the Regenesis or HA. My horses in general feel very good when I have been using it consistently as part of my maintenance program and I am very pleased with the results.”
– Sunia de Kock

“I am very excited to have started the Regenesis Vet™ journey with Tiny. And I’m equally excited to share this progress and his improvements with you. Only time will tell, and we’re still very early in the journey, but I am so hopeful.
I’m doing this for 3 main reasons:
1. Tiny is a big horse who works very hard and I believe his muscular skeletal system needs all the help it can get – probably the biggest reason most people use Regenesis-Vet™.
2. Because of his high level of work and a long list of allergies it is tricky to keep condition on Tiny – the reports of general body condition improvement from other users is so encouraging and I want to be part of this.
3. Tiny has virtually no mane left, at times has no hair on his tail dock and comes up in raw welts on his spine and face as a result of rubbing due to itchiness from his severe allergies. My vet noticed that in half of the horses that she’s treated with Regenesis-Vet™, and 100% of those which battle with skin condition issues, a marked improvement has occurred. These horses have shown a reduction in itchiness and super hair re growth. As with Tiny all these horses have been lovingly cared for and seemingly never ending other remedies have been tried. Although this is not the original intended use of the product and the observations were just that – “observations” – this was enough for me to want to join in!
Tiny and I started the journey on Thursday, 29 April which is just under 3 weeks ago. We were told we might see early improvements from about 2 weeks after treatment. We noticed changes sooner. We have only given 1 dose and will complete this first course after 3 months – at that stage we should be able to see more certain and permanent results.
1. Tiny is definitely feeling great and moving really well.
2. He is showing a better overall condition. This is something we really need and based on plenty of feedback from others feel I will continue to see this – but we’re at the beginning of this process and I keep reminding myself that the initial course will take 3 months.
3. The main and noticeable improvement is in his decreased itchiness which is so exciting! He no longer rushes to rub himself straight after a ride. I no longer find him rubbing every time I arrive at the yard. His tail no longer looks “roughed up” all the time. He has no open welts. And he has mane re growth – his mane is still very short but there is definite growth of almost 2cm now. He is still itchy but so much less itchy and I hope this trend continues over the next few months.
I am so excited and hopeful that we’ve found what my horse needs! I will share the journey with you over the next 3 months and longer – for now I’m just sharing what I’ve seen so far and what I hope it will do for Tiny. I hope our journey helps others too.”
– Catherine & Dan Moore
“Competing in the open classes on my 8 year-old Barberg Savoy Affair, I find it of utmost importance to look after my horse’s physical well-being as best as I can. Although I am lucky that my horse has had no prior soundness issues, ensuring the longevity and sustainability of my horse’s competition career has always been my number one priority.
Regenesis Vet™ has allowed me to provide my horse with cutting-edge joint and soft-tissue support that has left him feeling sounder, happier and more resilient than ever before.
In addition to Savoy’s Regenesis Vet™ program being more cost effective than using normal joint supplements, I am also more confident in what I am doing given the sound science that backs it up. I have also been hugely impressed by the improvement I have seen in many of my clients’ horses who have used Regenesis Vet™ EGF.”
– Georgia Biet

“My horse turns 20 this year. Physically he is in great health with no underlying issues, and the only thing limiting his potential is his age. A year ago, I decided that with the right treatment, we could probably do one more year of show-jumping in the higher grades before it is time for him to retire.
Regenesis Vet’s™ HA and Stem-Cell treatment was recommended to me by my vet. When we started, it was the small changes that I noticed first — his coat got its shine and colour back and his condition picked up and became easier to maintain. Now he’s been on the treatment for over a year and is STILL competing in the higher grades and seems to only be getting stronger! No one realises he is 19 when they look at him or watch him work. The truth is in the medicine. I would 100% recommend Regenesis Vet™ over and over to anyone looking to maintain and prolong their horse’s performance and healthy condition.”
From 2 happy clients, Catherine & Rolo
“Regenesis Vet™ has made the world of difference to our horses. We currently have five horses, all of which regularly compete in the 1.20 – 1.35m’s. With the help of our veterinarians, they are getting a Regenesis and HA treatment on a monthly basis which keeps them feeling good and strong. At multiple day shows, they jump just as good on day four as they do on day one. I find the HA keeps their joints healthy and protects them from inflammation.
Regenesis maintains the horse’s performance level, helps with their muscle tone and strength and allows their bodies to bounce back faster after work. We need to keep our horses healthy, happy and injury-free as much as we can. All sport horse owners should use Regenesis Vet™ – it is one of the best things we have done for our horses!”
– Anna Poll (Dare to be Du Jour, Chanel , Luna Coltera and Vigo DH Z)
“I currently have three horses, Dare to be Du Jour, Chanel and Luna, all of which have jumped up to the 1.30m/1.35m’s. All my horses get Regenesis Vet™ on a monthly basis, and I have found that it has made a huge difference to all of them, especially in terms of performance and recovery after competitions”
– Sanne Klaassen
“Both my horses Coltera and Vigo DH Z receive Regenesis Vet™ on a monthly basis. Colti currently jumps in the 1.35m’s and with all the competing she does, it is really important that I look after her and keep her feeling her best. I find Regenesis Vet™ to be a really good tool to ensure that she is always feeling good and bounces back as fast as possible after competitions. Since starting with Regenesis Vet™, I feel like she jumps just as well on the last day of a big event as she does on the first.”
– Puck Klaassen
“I have Callaho Con Carino who is now 12 years old. We have battled with his joints and stiffness in his muscles in general. However, after receiving his Regenesis Vet™ and HA from my vet, he felt like a completely different horse – electric, supple and jumping out of his skin. I can truly say I wouldn’t turn back. Regenesis has changed him and has helped with his ringbone too.
My horse Saratoga Skywalker was as stiff as a plank, with no energy and absolutely no will to go forward. After having his Regenesis Vet™ he is a completely different horse. He is now comfortably moving forward and moving more freely. I am extremely happy with the results!”
– Morgan Jacobs
“My mare, who is on the older side, is nearing her 20’s and can be highly strung. Lately it has been a battle to keep weight on her. It got to the point where I had tried everything. She was on so many supplements and even after six months of aggressive ulcer treatments she was still not putting on any weight. She seemed miserable and unpredictable. She was aggressive towards other horses and no longer seemed happy to work.
Not being competitive, riding for me is about sharing my horse’s joy and freedom, but it had gotten to the point where I no longer felt that with her. We had both lost our riding confidence and I feared it was time to hang up our boots. Desperate to find any way to help my girl I decided to try Regenesis Vet™ on recommendation of my veterinarian. Now, just over a year later, she is happy, strong and has enough confidence for the both of us. It has replaced all her supplements and she is in the best shape she has ever been. These treatments gave me my girl back and we could not be more thankful.”
– Tanya Gers (Caradock)
“Wall Street is an eight year old SAW by Weltmeyer. By nature, he is quiet heavily built. Thus, from the start of his dressage training we found it of utmost importance to look after his physical well-being as best we could. Wall Street has been on monthly treatment plan from Regenesis Vet™ since.
Regenesis Vet™ has allowed us to treat him with highly advanced joint and soft tissue support, making him feel sounder with a quicker recovery turnaround time than ever. In addition to his healthy joint and soft tissue, Wall Street glows from the inside out. The proof is in the pudding.”
– Dane Stud Wall Street & Georgia Biet (rider) owned by Mistico Equestrian Centre
“Dane Stud Hamlet joined my family at the end of November last year. Within the first two weeks of him being here we gave him his first Regenesis as I know the benefits and wanted him to thrive from the beginning. Even in such a short time he is not only looking awesome with great coat condition, but giving me solid, awesome work. Regenesis Vet™ will be something Hamlet will not go without!”
– Heather Albutt

“Rivendell Cardamon was always slightly stiff in his back and battled with building muscle. I decided to give Regenesis Vet™ a try after hearing everyone speak about it. Well, I sure can say I felt a huge difference in him. His whole attitude towards working changed, his jump got more powerful and his muscle built up so nicely. It worked wonders on him and I am really happy with the results.”
– Morgan Jacobs
“I have 14 clients’ horses, including my own, currently using HA and Regenesis as maintenance treatments. These horses compete in show jumping, dressage and Eventing at varying levels. I have had very positive feedback and feel my own horse, an eleven-year-old thoroughbred stallion, reacting well to the monthly treatments. All my clients choose to have the treatments administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection. Many of my clients also choose to have their horses treated with the Hyaluronic Acid (HA) from Novita Biotechnology alongside their Regenesis Vet™ treatments. No chemical biomarkers have been tested in conjunction with treatments. I have outlined 2 case studies below which I find to be of particular interest.”
– Nellma le Roux
1. Tendonopathy
Regenesis Treatment Plan.
6 year old thoroughbred gelding. Light to moderate exercise. All-rounder.
Acute onset lameness. Left fore. Clearly lame at walk on soft and hard surface.
Clinical evaluation:
Clinical parameters within normal limits. No obvious swelling, heat, wounds or digital pulses found.
Reaction to palpation of superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) on left.
Obvious left-fore lameness in walk on soft and hard surface. Lameness exacerbated on a left rein circle.
Ultrasound scan revealed a very mild disruption of collagen fibre pattern of the SDFT.
Initial anti-inflammatory treatment for 5 days with 1.1mg/kg flunixin meglumine, box rest, supportive thermal therapy including ice boots, cold hosing and Pulse Electro Magnetic Field treatment.
After one week palpation still generated a pain response in the horse.
The horse was placed on an acute treatment plan of Regenesis (systemic activated platelet rich plasma).
The horse remained in box rest for 7 weeks with hand walking allowed from week 3.
Palpation of the SDFT showed a clear improvement approximately one week following our first Regenesis treatment.
No pain response was elicited after the second treatment and during the third treatment no obvious lameness could be detected.
The horse made a speedy recovery and is back into full work.
2. Dorsal Spinous Process Articulation/ Kissing Spine
Regenesis Treatment Plan.
Adult, thoroughbred, gelding. Active eventer competing in Adult 85cm and above.
Previously diagnosed, via radiographic and clinical examination, with kissing spine.
Horse still bucks under saddle despite local treatments of inter-spinous process ligaments and articulation processes with corticosteroids.
Horse had been rested for 4 weeks prior to my visit.
Clinical Evaluation:
Responses to palpation of thoracic spine and abaxial muscles.
Local infusions by deep intramuscular injection of abaxial muscle with Regenesis followed by systemic Regenesis treatment at monthly intervals for 3 treatments.
No more cortisone was injected after the initial once-off treatment.
No systemic anti-inflammatories where administered during the course of my treatment of the patient.
After 3 weeks horse was ridden without any signs of resisting contact, frame work or jumping.
Horse currently successfully competing.

“Regenesis has helped both my horses tremendously. Glam rock is my 14-year-old thoroughbred and has been competing for ten years. He is currently jumping in the 1.40m’s. He is probably in the best shape he’s ever been and is feeling and looking amazing. I have also found that since starting with Regenesis, I am having to do less frequent ‘invasive’ treatments and his recovery after competitions is much improved. I put this down to the Regenesis treatment and would highly recommend it for any horse.
Esperanto has only been with me for six months and is currently jumping in the 1.40m’s. He has struggled with some soundness issues in the past so as soon as I got him, I immediately started with a Regenesis program after speaking to my vet and seeing the success of Regenesis with other horses. Since we started the Regenesis treatments he is feeling amazing! He’s been sound and comfortable in his body and keeps getting better and better!”
– Shannon Greyvenstein
“I was introduced to Regenesis therapy about a year and a half ago. I have had the most amazing results with my older horse to keep her condition up and physically keep her show-ready. My current horse, LOVE ME TOO, is a warmblood x that had a late start to her riding and competitive career. Whilst getting into her working routine and fitness program, her body took a huge knock.
The first thing I turned to was Regenesis therapy after seeing good results with similar horses. Since we started Regenesis, she has built up her top line and put on a healthy amount of weight, giving Georgia Biet the opportunity to build her muscle up and make her body strong for her journey going forward. Even with resting or off periods, throughout her training, her body seems to keep her muscle and weight in good condition. I will always trust in Regenesis, it gives visible and physical results every time.”
– Mandi De Klerk

“I started using Regenesis after being introduced to it by my coach Georgia Biet. My horse, Zoid, is a 6-year-old South African warmblood. I decided to start using it is as a preventative and supportive measure going forward. What I experienced after Zoid had it for the first time, was increased elasticity in her body, more mobility, less fatigue and more endurance.
From a long-term view, I have been impressed by the muscle-building effect that it has. I am also a veterinary physiotherapist and from that point of view I have experienced marked improvement in all my patients that have used Regenesis. The main improvement I’ve seen was more regular gait – specifically in the trot, softer behind the saddle when being ridden. The horses also showed a marked improvement in overall mobility when evaluated from a physiotherapy point of view.”
– Karien Lutz / Du Toit
“I made the decision to put my young mare in foal to give her time to grow into herself physically and mentally. Being young and still growing herself, I was looking for something to help her along with the pregnancy. This was when I decided to contact Regenesis. At the three month mark of pregnancy we went through a heat wave in Cape Town and it was then that she received her first injection. Within a few days I saw a marked improvement in her attitude and energy levels! A much happier horse thanks to her Regenesis treatments.”
– Daniella Dick (Sushi)

“We had been trying to get weight on Millie for months since she came off the tack and nothing was working. She had a full course of ulcer treatment as well as a visit from the dietitian. We just couldn’t get her ribs covered!
After trying all types of feeds and supplements, we contacted Regenesis as a last effort before calling it quits.
Within two weeks of her first Regenesis injection, her overall body condition improved and her ribs were finally covered! In addition to this, her muscle tone has definitely improved, as well as her recovery time after exercise. Overall she’s a stronger, healthier horse thanks to the help of Regenesis Vet™!”
– Daniella Dick (Millie)
“I have been using Regenesis Vet™ for my seventeen-hand high 19 year old warmblood x thoroughbred gelding for 7 months now. My initial concern with my horse was his age and the fact that he jumped quite high in the 1.30m classes for a long period of time. He has always had a few fetlock and hock issues that often swell up. Given that he is an older horse, I have always wanted to be proactive and prevent any further damage as far as possible. I had heard quite a lot about Regenesis Vet™ from friends who had used it and on social media, and decided it was worth a try. I am quite a novice rider and I got Count with the idea of him being my teacher so I wanted to give him the best possible chance of being as happy and healthy as I could. When I first got Count he was lacking in muscle and muscle tone especially over his hindquarters and neck. His overall condition was just not looking great and his coat was very dull.
Now, 6/7 months later, Count’s neck looks like he could be a stallion and overall, he looks like he could be a 9 year old horse. He has become so strong and powerful that I almost cannot sit his jumps. He is moving so beautifully under saddle. I have even been able to stop using magnetic boots on his hocks and fetlocks as I don’t seem to need to use them anymore with little to no swelling. His condition is now amazing and his coat is looking so shiny and healthy. It really has given him a massive boost in terms of overall health and my farrier has even commented on how good the condition of his hooves are. From literally top to tail my horse has completely transformed and he is looking after me so well. He really has benefitted so much from the Regenesis Vet™ treatments and I have now started Regenesis with my other horse that is in a rehab phase. I could not recommend Regenesis Vet™ enough.”
– Claire Mullany

“I first started using Regenesis horse on my mare, Callaho Little Bo. Unfortunately, due to various conformational issues, she has always had a slight discomfort/lameness somewhere. Since I have started using both the Regenesis and HA on her as per my vet’s recommendation, I have seen a huge improvement in her overall behavior and condition – both physically and mentally. I do think she is looking a lot better – and she has definitely muscled up quite a bit. She does also feel sound provided I stay on the schedule of every month and do not deviate from it. All the bad behavior under saddle that was most probably pain and muscle-related, has undoubtedly improved. In addition to my success with Regenesis and Bo, I have been very impressed with the results I have seen with it on various other horses.”
– Janene du Plesis
“I have owned Rivendal Lumineer since he was a six month old foal and he is almost turning six years old now! As a young horse Lumineer has no existing issues, which I am very grateful for. I did, however, choose to put him on Regenesis Vet™ as a precautionary measure from a young age. He is young, playful and learning every day, and has Regenesis Vet™ helping him with the changes in his body as he grows up.
I can definitely say that Regenesis Vet™ is something that will always stay part of my routine in looking after him. Why wait until you have to treat something? Be proactive. It’s affordable enough for me to have all my horses on it.”
– Siobhan Wall

“Peroni, a 11 year old SAWB, is a competitive dressage horse that is extremely willing. He might not be as big and fancy as some of his competitors, but what he lacks in stature he makes up for in heart.
I have never had any problem with him keeping condition and he is generally a healthy horse.
However, I wanted to start taking precautionary measures to help his body and to make his job easier, especially as we started training the higher movements.
Roulette, a 13 year old WB x Anglo Arab, has been suffering from EMS and laminitis from a young age. She is extremely talented, but it has always been difficult keeping her in the correct condition. Finding the balance between feeding and work has proven difficult as she tends to get fat when breathing. The slightest change in environmental stress can cause a laminitic attack – even when not overweight.
Since she had to be on a constant diet, with sub-par (to my standards) nutritional value I found her condition to be less than ideal. Her coat was coarse and dull, even in summer. Muscle mass was extremely difficult to build, and although super willing, her body could not perform as she wanted it to.
After a very informative talk from the Regenesis ladies, where they came out to our yard to explain the entire process, I decided to have both horses done.
Within a couple of days, I could notice the difference in both horses. Peroni’s willingness, strength and stamina was amplified – I could feel it in his work.
With Roulette, the visual improvement was amazing. Her coat became glossier, she seemed to be bulkier without being heavier. She is also jumping like a stag! I am super happy with the improvement.
After a very successful away show, where Peroni travelled and recovered like a champ – and also performed amazingly – he unfortunately injured himself in the paddock when he came home.
I immediately took his concentrates away and cut his roughage as he needed to rest for quite a while. I continued with the Regenesis treatment, and I firmly believe this has helped him keep his condition and aided in his healing. You would not believe, with the way he looks, that he has not been worked and has been confided to a small paddock for almost 3 months! I will slowly start working him now again, and I am sure he will bounce back very quickly.
Above and beyond the results I have experienced, I commend the fantastic customer service. The ladies are willing to share knowledge, to respond to any queries and just great people in general.”
– Pascaline Chanterie
“I started using Regenesis Vet™ in September 2020 as I wanted to do something that would help my horse to feel good generally and to maintain a healthy feeling. A few years back he had a few leg injuries that were treated and had recovered fully from them but I felt I wanted to do something extra to prevent any possible unsoundness in the future, so after contacting my vet, we decided to give it a try. It was a simple process getting the treatment done and the Regenesis team were friendly and professional.
The treatments were given to my horse over a period of 4 months and throughout that time he definitely felt really good and overall, just felt strong and fit. He was always fully sound and happy. I can definitely recommend it for overall maintenance and just for that extra boost.”
– Mikhe Botha

“Regenesis Vet™ has kept my 7-year-old thoroughbred Fire in The Belly feeling super in his body and coping with his intense training sessions and work load. He has been receiving Regenesis Vet™ for a year a half and has never felt better.”
– Halley Wyndham-Quin